miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020


Good morning everyone...In this unit we are going to help our planet because it is in danger.
So we will introduce to vocabulary and concept related to the states of matter,mixtures and materials,and form of energy.
➤Draw the front cover(page 54 &55 Pupil´s  Book ) and answer the questions:
    ⏯ Can you identify examples of water in its three states: solid,liquid and gas?
    ⏯ Can you see any examples of mixtures?
    ⏯ What forms of energy can you see in this photos?
You can do this work in your notebook or a sheet of paper and send us it to terceroseverocochoa@gmail.com. Don´t forget write Natural in your email.

    Have a nice day 
           Best wishes.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola soy Sofia es que .Te quería decir que cuando me pongo a traducir los que has enviado hoy el . ¿Cuando pongo draw luego me aparece una palabra rara . No sé que puede ser🤔
